
Timex were very successful with their electric watches; they were cheap movements and most of the models (calibres) were produced in large volumes. Surprisingly, the early models like the 67 were of moderate quality being fully jewelled and with polished screws although still with plated base-metal cases. Their success in the electric watch market place almost certainly contributed to Hamiltons’s financial problems in the late 1960’s.

Timex Electronic M87

Timex Electronic M87

The table below is my attempt at summarising the various Timex Models — Timex called their calibres “Models”. As you can see, there are many different Models but with the exception of Models 67 and 84, most resemble the very common Model 40. However, it is often difficult to identify a Model from a quick visual inspection; the best way to identify the Model is from the dial markings. Timex had a numerical system that incorporated watch style, movement model number and year. This code is usually printed on the periphery of the dial but is sometimes hidden by the crystal. In the thumbnail image on the right (click it!), the code on the dial is “99178770”. If you read this from right-to-left, this is a 1970 model (xxxxxx70) that has a Model 87 movement (xxxx87xx) and appeared in the Timex brochure as watch style 9917 (9917xxxx).

Unfortunately, the allocation of a Model number to a particular calibre is not in sequence. i.e. Model 67 was released before Model 40. The left hand menu shows the main base Models organised by release date; within each link, you might find examples of the variants. i.e. M40 will have examples of Model 40 (no date) and well as Model 42 (day and date).

Timex Model 40 Drawing Model 40
Base calibre
electric movement
22.1 by 28.70 mm
no date
Model 41
electric movement
Model 42
electric movement
day and date
Timex Model 50 Drawing Model 50
Base calibre
electronic movement
22.1 by 28.70 mm
no date
Model 51
electronic movement
Model 52
electronic movement
day and date
Model 65
electronic movement
second time zone
Model 62
Base calibre
quartz controlled balance movement
28.7 mm
introduced 1972
Model 63
quartz controlled balance movement
day and date
introduced 1973
Timex Model 67 Drawing Model 67
Base calibre
electric movement
30.50 mm
no date
introduced 1962
Timex Model 69 Drawing Model 69
Base calibre
ladies electric movement
15.4 by 18.0 mm
no date
Model 71
ladies electric movement
Timex Model 82 Drawing Model 82
Base calibre
electric movement
15.3 by 18.0 mm
no date
world’s first ladies electric movement
Timex Model 84 Drawing Model 84
Base calibre
electric movement
30.50 mm
no date
Model 85
electric movement
Model 87
electronic movement
introduced 1969
Timex Model 253 Drawing Model 253
Base calibre
electric dynabeat movement
22.1 by 28.7 mm
no date
Model 254
electric dynabeat movement
Model 255
electric dynabeat movement
day and date
Model 265
electric dynabeat movement
second time zone
Timex Model 260 Drawing Model 260
Base calibre
electric high frequency movement
26.51 by 28.76 mm
no date
Model 261
electric high frequency movement
Model 262
electric high frequency movement
day and date